Maybe you should have a look at BankiFi (https://www.bankifi.com/ ) and their SME focussed solution, that has been deployed by Coop Bank - https://www.incomeing.co.uk/

QUOTE from the Incomeing website>> Reviews "I can bill my customers by text or email promptly, and get paid without fuss direct to my bank. Customers think it's great too, they don't have the faff of entering my bank details. Once I'd registered, billing customers is so easy. Just a text from me, and a couple of clicks from them and the money is already in my bank"

PS - yes, I work for BankiFi in Australia. And you're quite right with your Aussie commentary - well done!

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Totally agree that the SME banking space is in need of better payment solutions. Thanks for the comment and all the best with the Aussie expansion!

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